Michael Stuart Heath

You Know Him. You Trust Him.

Maine’s Role in Destroying Christendom

Christendom is returning.  Christendom is the cultural reality of Christianity in a nation.  It is a government willfully honoring Jesus Christ, the second person of the trinity.

America is returning to this respect, this awareness.  The nation was founded honoring what Jesus Christ brings to humanity through His Church.  The America that will emerge on the other side of the collapse that started two years ago will honor Jesus Christ.

The interview above goes deeper on this point.  I’ve published the video to start at a particular point near the end of the one hour conversation.  I encourage you to watch the whole video.  Truth exists outside of your mind.  Search for it as you listen to this video.  Don’t reject the reasoning because you hear points with which you disagree.  Listen for truth.  We must do that in our relationships with every human being.  Always be on the prowl for truth.

The name Wilhelm Reich is mentioned.  He moved to Maine from Vienna, Austria in the mid twentieth century and promoted his unhinged evil from a laboratory he built in Rangely.  From little ole Maine his ideas spread around the world.  His beliefs about human sexuality replaced Christendom’s patrimony of marriage and family.  All of us are suffering the sad consequences.

The Mills family is from the Rangely area in Maine.  I don’t know that there is a direct connection between Jezebel Janet and Reich personally.  But they are definitely ideologically related.

What Janet and Wilhelm have in common is a hatred of Jesus Christ — especially His definition of marriage, family and sexuality.

These individuals have used their power to destroy the old world order of Christendom.

The rotten fruit is everywhere now.  And every last one of us who refuse to name the name of Jesus Christ are complicit in the takedown of our nation.

Michael Heath

For generations, my family has served the people of Maine in social, economic, and administrative capacities. I am uniquely qualified to serve as the governor of our great state. Click here to learn more about our campaign.

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