Why Voting Changes Nothing This is G. Edward Griffin dropping a truth bomb about how we’ve been manipulated by hidden forces using the two party political system. Well worth the one...
Get Your Hands Dirty This podcaster is well worth your time. The “Ice Age Farmer” is telling the truth. Local, state and national agriculture leaders are lying. They are either useful idiots to the global new world order commies, or they are in on it. ...
Jezebel Kills Maine Doctor’s Livelihood Waterville Maine Dr. Paul Gosselin’s cancer and drug addicted patients are now dying on the streets. Maine’s Governor Kills removed him from her list of approved doctors a few days ago. He cannot help his...
Central Bank Digital Coins are Evil As Governor I will do everything in my power to fight the idea of Central Bank Digital Currency’s use within the borders of Maine. Our citizens must be free to transact value globally without being tracked by any centralized...
Make Porn a Crime Click on the image for an explanation of the extreme danger of pornography to Maine. No other candidate will discuss this. The sale, distribution, production and consumption of porn must be condemned in Maine law. Did you know this is...