Michael Stuart Heath

You Know Him. You Trust Him.

Heath for GovernorCampaign Updates

Don’t be Afraid of Being Wrong

The truth is clearly on the side of the rising global movement for God-given human liberty, and constitutional guarantees of such.  I never bought into the covid cult's narrative.  I saw the plannedemic as political.  Covid is a demonic political agenda that is based...

Maine’s Role in Destroying Christendom

Christendom is returning.  Christendom is the cultural reality of Christianity in a nation.  It is a government willfully honoring Jesus Christ, the second person of the trinity. America is returning to this respect, this awareness.  The nation was founded honoring...

Cunning, Ambitious and Unprincipled Men

George Washington said, "Political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to...

Revealing the Conspiracy

The Conspiracy that Created the Covid CultI've been living in a profoundly wicked hypnotized state my whole life.  My generation was propagandized in government run schools, churches and families in the 1970s.  The theatre we know as politics, orchestrated by the...

Remodeling the Nature of Man and Society

Remodeling the Nature of Man and SocietyCarl Jung said, "The modern 'enlightened' intellect cannot imagine anything greater than ... those tin gods with totalitarian pretensions who call themselves state."Yesterday I was able to find a circulator who had a petition...

Political Wasteland

Political WastelandI attended the Republican State Committee meeting yesterday with my wife.  We spent two hours there.  It was surreal. While only one person wore a mask there were very few attendees under fifty -- or maybe sixty -- years of age.  The State...

What’s a MAN to Do?

What's a Non-Alphabet White Guy to Do?Melissa Reitze is the Executive Assistant and Office Manager of the Maine State Republican Party.  I met her for the first time yesterday.  I stopped by the office on Higgins Street.  She told a volunteer of mine last week on the...

LePage: A Legend in His Own Mind

LePage:  A Legend in His Own MindIt finally happened last night.  I met Paul Turn Le(the)Page personally. I was at Jeff Hanley's campaign kickoff event in Gardiner with my wife, Paulie.  A volunteer couple attended with us.  They gathered some signatures for my...

We are Being Killed

We Are Being KilledThis is famous Jungian psychologist and global phenom, Jordan Peterson, talking about the intentional destruction of western civilization.  It is a ten minute video.  Click on the image to watch it. I hope and pray it is not too late.  The Life...

Wake Up Parents

Wake Up ParentsIt's unbelievable to me that Americans choose not to see what is being done to them by the covid cult.  Just the fact that all Western institutions are supporting censorship should be enough.  This particular aspect of the censorship agenda should ALARM...

“Covid-Positive Staff” — So What?

"Covid-Positive Staff" -- So What?!This is an image of an email I just received from the Maine GOP headquarters.  The links are, therefore, not clickable.This email is a perfect example of the fact that we have a uniparty ruling over us, not two distinct political...

Transgendered Insanity

Transgendered Insanity Meets Grace in LincolnI had the honor of meeting Grace by phone late last week.  She is a young mom who lives in Lincoln, Maine.  She got herself onto the local school board.  The ANGRY parents who are inspired by her spirited leadership have...

I Repent for my Willful Ignorance

I Repent of my Willful IgnoranceRepentance is a fundamental idea in Christianity.  The soul cannot move forward in sanctification without taking responsibility for wrongs committed in this life. Politicians and leaders in the West are trained by public relations...

Something is Up with Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone the "Deep Insider"   Jeff Rense just produced an important podcast regarding Dr. Robert Malone.  Click here to listen to it. Paulie and I are planning to be in Washington D.C. for the Defeat the Mandates Rally on January 23rd.  I found out about...


CruzingLyin Ted sure doesn't pass the straight face test on this one.  Conservatives will give him a pass though.  Ted is right on the most important issue of our day.  He gives the Israel lobby top priority in his political life.  That's all he needs to keep...

Sticky Notes on Petitions

Sticky Notes on Petitions   Paulie and I went to Calvary Chapel in Orrington last night.  My Treasurer, Jack McCarthy was there in the morning. On Saturday I received an email from the Maine GOP announcing that Paul LePage's Campaign would be gathering signatures...

Why Social Media is Ruling the World

Why Social Media is Ruling the WorldYou won't share anything from my campaign on your social media accounts.  You are either afraid it will hurt the business you've spent years creating, or that passing on my opinions will compromise the "friendships" you've spent...

Ray Richardson Has Lost His Mind

Ray Richardson Will Be Shot with the Rest of UsI've been a muted member of the chattering class for a little more than a decade.  Before that I was a card carrying member.  I remember when Ray Richardson became a thing.  He has risen to become the most popular...

Pfizer VP Outlines Six Stages to Global Tyranny

Pfizer VP Outlines Six Stages to Global Tyranny   Tyranny, Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex-chief science advisor at Pfizer, recently laid out a timeline, demonstrating where we’ve been, and the logical/obvious conclusion as to where we are headed. As of December 19, 2021...

Joe Rogan Broke the Internet

Joe Rogan Broke the Internetiinn  ,A few weeks ago I came across the idea called Mass Formation Psychosis.  It was introduced to me by a short YouTube video narrated by Dr. Robert Malone.  The observation instantly made sense to me.  I've been talking about it ever...

View Counts

View Counts   If you visit my video platform you'll probably take a look at the view counts on the individual videos.  A couple people have commented to me about how low they are.  I don't care. Oh, I know that I'm supposed to care about that, and about how much...