Michael Stuart Heath

You Know Him. You Trust Him.

We Shouldn’t Even Be Thinking About It

We Shouldn’t Even Be Thinking About It We shouldn’t have to think about it, or talk about it.  Yet, here I am sorely vexed for the umpteemillionth time over the conflation of all things evil at the expense of love, clarity and truth. The trigger today, and...

I Am Science

I am Science Tony Fauci has quite literally taken my breath away since I first heard of him two years ago.  He’s making the rounds in his commie mainstream media defending himself.  This is a great sign for the good guys.  He wouldn’t be doing this unless...

Nu Omicron

Can’t Make this Stuff Up How soon before Jezebel Kills and Turn Le(the)Page start hyping Nu Omicron, the latest commie scariants out of the deepest, darkest jungles of Africa?  I can’t imagine either of these “leaders” saying NO to their...

Insiders and Outsiders

Insiders and Outsiders When I become Governor this woman will be at the top of my list to advise me, and to visit Maine to help our great citizens understand what is being done to them and their home. I discovered her in my online research a few years ago.  She...

Will Turn Le(the)Page Talk about THIS?

Will Turn Le(the)Page Talk about THIS? “THEY” are creating a world where you are allowed to exist on earth because you take one of their injestibles, wearables or injectibles.  It is called the Internet of Bodies.  Your body.  Your child’s body. ...

This Will Never Happen in Maine

Australia Will NEVER Happen in Maine When I become Governor in 2023 I will launch a full investigation into this covid cult matter.  The individuals who will pay the biggest price are in political leadership starting with Jezebel Janet Kills.  Paul Turn Le(the) Page...
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