Honoring All the Veterans iFrame is not supported! America’s Coach, Dave Daubenmire, helped his online daily huddle yesterday morning honor veterans. He played the clip of Kyle Rittenhouse weeping at his trial. Coach’s commentary on what the once but no...
Priest of the Covid Cult — Paul Turn Le(the) Page A friend who attended Paul Turn Le(the) Page’s announcement in September told me the not so full room was peopled by familiar conservative “leaders.” Prominent among them was Maine’s Pope...
Muzzling the Public’s Business In 2004 I threatened to publish a website listing the “sexual orientation” of everyone who works in the State House. The Maine Senate took an entire day off from doing the business of the State to craft a letter...
Medical Freedom My treasurer texted this image to me yesterday. The event is taking place tomorrow. I’m going to offer a bit of a critique in this column. Don’t get me wrong. It’s great that Veterans will be honored tomorrow, on Veterans Day. They...
Our Morally Beheaded World Click on the headline to read the full news story about the beheading in Egypt. Are you ready for beheadings to start in Maine. I’m getting ready. The most chilling line in the news story, “Though the incident took place in...
Fauci’s Napoleonic Complex Fauci was selected to be the mass murderer in chief. — Dr. David Martin, PhD. Click here to watch a one hour speech by Dr. David Martin. I led the Christian CIvic League of Maine to make the sodomy fight the institution’s top priority...