Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum On everything that matters there is no difference between Paul Turn Le(the)Page and Jezebel Janet Kills. The thing that matters most right now is absolutely destroying forever the covid cult. Failure to confront and destroy this...
Why I Hate Petitioning We’ve allowed our lives to become impossibly cluttered with nonsense. One of the most nonsensical things we do is gather signatures for political causes. If Google can instantly return results on a keyword search technology can instantly...
Grifting Old Party The once Grand Old Party is now no more than a grift. Look it up. I can’t believe how willfully incurious and ignorant english speaking people have become. With the internet it’s never been easier to learn the definition of new words. ...
Faggots Aren’t Maggots I argue that the sexual orientation and gender ideology brigade are maggots on civilization. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all honor the teaching in Genesis pertaining to Sodom and Gomorrah. Family is universally mom, dad and the...
Three Words to Make or Break U.S. A year ago I announced my candidacy for Governor. A pro life Catholic woman considered helping my campaign. She decided to reject my argument that polemic has a legitimate place in political discourse. She specifically objected to...
Solidarity One of the most important interviews I’ve done was with Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Canada. Click here to watch the interview. The video above shows he and his wife being subjected to another arrest, perhaps his fourth related to the global covid cult...