Turn Le Page
The Bangor Daily News indicates that former Governor Paul LePage is ninety nine percent sure he is going to run against Mike Heath for the Republican nomination. The primary election will be held in June of 2022. Both candidates must earn their place on the ballot by collecting signatures of registered republicans when the petitions become available from the Secretary of State early in 2022.
The Lewiston native and former Mayor of Waterville already served as Governor for eight years. He was not able to run again due to term limits. Democrat Jezebel Janet Kills replaced him.
“I agree with my Campaign Manager about Paul’s chances in November of 2022.” said Heath. “Paul Madore knows LePage. They share age and hometown in common. Madore has been deeply involved in Republican politics for many years. He doesn’t think LePage can defeat Mills next year.”
Heath knows that the American people are more open to a forceful cultural and moral explanation for what is going on than ever before in human history. The events forced on the world’s population since March of 2020 have hundreds of millions of people thinking about God.
Heath observed, “It’s easier now to think about the God of Christianity in the West than it has ever been.” He continued, “My message is going to resonate because it is true. Money issues aren’t top dog in politics anymore.”
Heath Invited to Speak in Southern Counties
Gubernatorial candidate Michael Stuart Heath has been invited to speak to Kennebec and Androscoggin County Committee Meetings in May. The enthusiastic invitations came after representatives of those counties heard Heath speak at a recent tax rally.
Heath became well known as a public speaker while serving as leader of the Christian Civic League of Maine. For over two decades the husband and father represented the priorities of the century old non partisan institution to the people of Maine.
The Heath for Governor Campaign is putting volunteers in place to manage the demands of the growing Campaign.
Statement Featured in Northern Maine Newspaper
A written statement by gubernatorial candidate Mike Heath was published in this month’s Fort Fairfield Journal. The candidate provided the statement to the Maine Legislature. Here is the statement:
Statement to the State and Local Government Committee of the Maine State Legislature regarding Republican bills designed to curb the power of Governor Jezebel Janet Mills on Monday, March 29, 2021 by Michael Stuart Heath, Candidate for Republican nomination for Governor.
It is tragic that Maine’s covid response has been so partisan. An iron curtain of fear has descended over the entire world. It was drawn down by Western media and governments. The whole world is paying the price.
Maine’s governor Jezebel Janet Mills is killing everything. She is ruling over a shadow government with which nobody can engage in a human way. We are forced to this antiseptic and wicked form of communication using screens for everything. This is evil. Pure and simple. And it must stop now.
I might have taken the time to attend a real public hearing. I am not going to demean this once honorable process by sitting in my house in my pajamas while I address my elected representatives through my laptop screen. I decided I will take the time to pen this statement and submit it via your website. I am thankful for this website option. Good work. Public hearings using screens is unacceptable, as is you all not meeting in the home created for the government by the people – the State House.
There is no legitimate science on covid. There is only significant disagreement among credible scientists. The Democrats are forcing scientism while the Republicans are complicit.
I am thankful for the Republican legislators who continue to use the Legislative process to attempt to force the Democrats to do the right thing. Obviously, this is inadequate to the task.
Maine MUST open for business before the tourist season. We should be open now. All of our politicians are cooperating with Fake News to destroy Maine’s economy.
The people of Maine know this is unacceptable and evil.
When I become Governor, this will end. I will never usurp the power and authority of local officials in responding to a manufactured health crisis like Covid 19. Truth be told we don’t have time to wait for 2023 to open Maine. It must be done now.
The people of Maine have my pledge that I will never uncritically trust government and oligarch funded “science.” I wouldn’t have done so this time.
Fake news is boycotting the Heath for Governor Campaign.