You’ll take Votes from Turn Le(the)Page and Help Kills
So I’ve got my magnetic sign on my old red Miata. That’s the extent of my marketing campaign for Governor of Maine this fall … at this point anyway. Without a pledge of professional accounting and legal help I won’t be opening a checking account and raising a dime for this campaign.
Turn Le(the)Page and Kills have little to worry about from the Heathbar … this time around.
My sign is a conversation starter. I like to think God works through folks one at a time using honest and open dialogue. He’s the one who famously advises us to “reason together.” God, in fact, suggests it is a good idea to reason with Him. We Christians call it prayer. And we also make our prayers into action. Doing so makes saints out of us sinners. And I, like Paul the Apostle, am chief among them!
You know part of our problem in Maine is that we’ve allowed politicians to become more like religious saviors than what they are — fallen men … sinners. Every election we put our support behind some man or woman who tells us what we want to hear to get our vote. Then we throw a few bucks into this or that campaign and call it good. That’s politics. We’ve done our duty.
These flawed men and women get a little bit of power and it immediately goes to their head, and their pocketbook. They quickly realize it’s not what you say publicly that gives you power and secures your place in the community. It is your ability to stay in the good graces of certain people, or forces, that are working their agenda completely behind the scenes through private conversations, texts, handshakes etc.
Without realizing it even the best of us develop thoughts, attitudes and even a vocabulary that opens up a spot for us in the civic, or political, life of our community, state and nation. This becomes our ideology. The enforced absence of any religion in America makes the management of this clash of ideologies of paramount importance to the stability of … well … everything.
The founders imagined that this conflict would not get out of hand because the people would choose to be good Christian people. Limiting the power of government by dividing it’s powers would nurture Christianity in the people — they thought. We can now see that they were wrong.
The people have thrown off the fetters of Christianity in the name of liberty and freedom — especially sexual. We’ve wandered along with the French into the death cult of constant fractious revolution. Equality, fraternity, liberty. I think that was the war cry of the French Revolution. America’s was slightly different. No King but King Jesus.
I don’t want to be Governor. I’m too honest. I’m also a coward. It’s a big job. Turn Le(the)Page has eight years experience managing the hidden forces that are destroying Maine. I think his heart is in the right place. I have personal and professional experience with some of the forces behind Kills and Turn Le(the)Page. That’s what makes me shake in my boots.
I’ll do everything God calls me to do to save Maine from the globalist death cult that wants Maine to become their playground — including my life. But my life is not my own. I have a wife, mother-in-law, mother, sons etc. And the FBI has already taken time to come to meet with my wife and me to suggest that our Christianity is a violent threat to Federal Express. The legal department at FedEx has a taped conversation of me and an investigator. The investigator admits that the company has a problem with my faith. After their investigation they decided to deny me the right to wear their logo anywhere on planet earth for the rest of my life. That was in 2020. They doubled down this summer.
And my unrelenting defense of Christianity and politics online has made it impossible to even get a part time minimum wage driving job for Kennebec Valley Community Action Program here in my hometown of Augusta. And that’s having worked for them more than once over the years. There’s never been even one complaint filed against me.
I will continue to do everything in my power to balance my responsibilities to God, family, state and nation.
For today that’s proudly displaying my magnetic sign that shouts, “Heath for Governor.”
I love Maine because I deeply loved my grandfather. I treasure my childhood memories of Maine, and his example.